
I am passionate about massage (Thai Yoga Massage, Tantra in Motion and others).

In several training courses and workshops I have acquired extensive knowledge and massage techniques.

In order to be able to offer massage professionally, I would like to gain more practical experience and feedback

That’s why I offer you a massage. In return you may give me whatever you deem appropriate. This can be money, material goods or skill exchange. Maybe you can do a massage or something else great.

I live in Freiburg. Thats why I would be happy if you also live in Freiburg or the surrounding area and are interested.

Just get in touch at You are welcome to tell me whether and in which part of your body you have problems or what is important to you.

I have a small apartment, you are welcome to come to me. If you prefer us to do the massage at your place, that’s fine too. However, I prefer massaging on the floor. That’s why it’s great if you have a comfortable mat.

Please bring a 1.4x2m sheet or blanket when you come to my place. I have a futon that suits well for massage.

Also please send me a photo and write a few words about you. It is important to me that I know a little bit about you before the massage